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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

End breach-of-promise: My 2015 New years wish

Everyone has a New Years wish, If this one comes true it will deliver a better future.

 My New Years wish is that every politician and candidate for Federal State and Local Body Elections be legally accountable for their promises- and required to cross the floor against their party if necessary- with laws which enable immediate removal of politicians for breach-of-promise.

 An election or any promise by a politician means absolutely nothing when upon election they can just do what they like without consequence. All the parties in the world will not fix this. And it is the absence of harsh legal penalty which undermines democracy.

 In the current political paradigm in Australia politicians can promise the earth and deliver the contents of the toilet bowl -without penalty. You have witnessed a round robin of politicians who have done precisely this.

 On the 1st of Jaunary 2015 a simple contract will be sent to every current politician in Australia. It will invite them to sign a pledge to endorse the introduction of this as Federal law. It will be retrospective to 1995. Under this proposed law offending politicians will risk losing all their assets as well as serving jail time.

 This should be the basis of democracy.

 A simple question and answer form will accompany the mail-out asking representatives to take a stand on some issues of concern as a contractual agreement with their constituents. Their answers or failure to do so will help you choose who you will vote for at the next local body, state and federal elections. PLEASE SUBMIT CLEAR QUESTIONS FOR OUR PANEL TO CONSIDER to occupysydney@gmail.com by January 15th..
by Lanz Priestley

from the team at Occupy Sydney

wishing you all a Happy New Year


contact Occupy Sydney 

Occupy Sydney on Facebook:                                        https://www.facebook.com/occupysydney

Occupy Sydney on Twitter:                                            http://twitter.com/occupySYDNEY

Occupy Sydney News Aggregator                                  http://rebelmouse.com/occupysydney
Oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership: Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/TPPbusters

ask to join our email lists
Demand Change in 2015 (weekly) occupysydney2@gmail.com
Occupy Sydney general list: occupysydney@gmail.com

Monday, 22 December 2014

Redfern Tent Embassy Activist Jenny Munro Arrested bailed

Following an incident at the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy earlier during which Ms Munro defended herself against an outsider aggressor Police applied their usual selective colour blindness to arrest and charge Jenny Munro with assault. Jenny has been released with her current bail conditions banning her from being at the Tent Embassy. There are no charges against her assailant , an outside agent provocateur , and no known orders preventing her returning to attack other protesters. 
  The bail conditions, a normal police tactic to undermine peace
photo courtesy Stringer
ful protest in the Scipione era have not stopped determined Tent Embassy protest participants from continuing their protest. 

Protesters are extremely concerned at constant harassment intimidation and threats by a group of polynesian males said to be "goons employed by people associated with Mickey Mundine's notorious money-spinner Aboriginal Housing Ltd. There have been no police efforts to curtail their activities. 

  The Tent Embassy has issued a call for people to maintain the presence in numbers especially at night. From my experience those attending should 

  • be appropriately dressed for inclement weather and sturdy comfortable shoes are advisable.
  •  Take your food and water if you possibly can. 
  • Take a sleeping bag
  • Take phones and cameras/video 
  • Call on Occupy Sydney to get word out if anything is amiss on your shift. 0410722000 or http://twitter.com/occupysydney 
Occupy Sydney send our full support and solidarity to those at Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy. 
 Please like their Facebook page for latest updates https://www.facebook.com/pages/Redfern-Aboriginal-Tent-Embassy/249063975290466

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Beware Centrelink Medicare Spyware apps

Helping a homeless guy with his online centrelink form this morning via his S5 Galaxy and they now invite you to download the free app. So I checked before installing as you do. It wants access to your photos contacts maps and lots of other things you probably rather would keep personal. Things your government have no right to know about you. Like what your politics or religion are potentially allowing recruiters and employers to select employees on those basis, a neat form of economic apartheid.  There is no mention of course of what will be done with the information. No mention of how invaluable it is for human resource profiling. and linking you to those wageslavery employers Centrelink JSAs covet. Is your human profiling being shared with other human resource organisations limiting your opportunity of better paid opportunities? With LNP or Labor in charge you should assume so. Human Services is already the major harvester of your personal information in Australia with the most intimate details of your health wealth and potential to deliver profits to others while they deliver you into poverty. Please think carefully before installing this new level of privacy invasion.