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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

End breach-of-promise: My 2015 New years wish

Everyone has a New Years wish, If this one comes true it will deliver a better future.

 My New Years wish is that every politician and candidate for Federal State and Local Body Elections be legally accountable for their promises- and required to cross the floor against their party if necessary- with laws which enable immediate removal of politicians for breach-of-promise.

 An election or any promise by a politician means absolutely nothing when upon election they can just do what they like without consequence. All the parties in the world will not fix this. And it is the absence of harsh legal penalty which undermines democracy.

 In the current political paradigm in Australia politicians can promise the earth and deliver the contents of the toilet bowl -without penalty. You have witnessed a round robin of politicians who have done precisely this.

 On the 1st of Jaunary 2015 a simple contract will be sent to every current politician in Australia. It will invite them to sign a pledge to endorse the introduction of this as Federal law. It will be retrospective to 1995. Under this proposed law offending politicians will risk losing all their assets as well as serving jail time.

 This should be the basis of democracy.

 A simple question and answer form will accompany the mail-out asking representatives to take a stand on some issues of concern as a contractual agreement with their constituents. Their answers or failure to do so will help you choose who you will vote for at the next local body, state and federal elections. PLEASE SUBMIT CLEAR QUESTIONS FOR OUR PANEL TO CONSIDER to occupysydney@gmail.com by January 15th..
by Lanz Priestley

from the team at Occupy Sydney

wishing you all a Happy New Year


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Demand Change in 2015 (weekly) occupysydney2@gmail.com
Occupy Sydney general list: occupysydney@gmail.com

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